I ended up going with option 1, because when I went back to Morris & Sons I realised the colours in the photo I posted came out more saturated. So I spent another few hours in the shop mulling over which combination I would go with, and decided on number 1. (I apologise if I have upset anyone with my decision!) I've posted a photo of the first 3 triangles I've made for this new throw, and guess what - the colours didn't turn out again! Here it looks like mustard, navy and red when in true fact it's more of a lime green, a purpley-blue and magenta. The names of the yarn are Limelight, Storm and Petunia. I wonder who gets the wonderful job of naming yarns... I wouldn't mind that job one bit!
On Saturday, D and I went for brunch at The Commons. Going for brunch happens once in a blue moon, because he doesn't particularly like breakfast foods, or drinking coffee out of home (what!?). I on the other hand, love breakfast foods and coffee (especially at cafés), so this was a nice little treat for me! The Commons is such a pretty place, which is a café during the day and turns into a restaurant/bar at night. It's full of plants, wooden tables and chairs, filtered sunlight and even has a fireplace. So very dreamy.
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